New Kid on the Blog-k

by Whitney Mortensen

Apogee Instruments continually strives to develop new and innovative instrumentation, improve existing products, advance sensor applications, streamline current manufacturing processes, and provide immediate and effective customer support, all in an effort to help our customers make better measurements. The lifeblood of this effort, or of any company, is the people doing the work. To expand our capabilities, we are pleased to announce the addition of a new engineer, Ryan Lindsley. We wanted to give Ryan the opportunity to introduce himself. 

I graduated a few weeks ago from Utah State University with a degree in mechanical engineering and a minor in business. While my scholastic educational experience may be at a close, I’m beginning a whole new learning experience as a new mechanical engineer for Apogee Instruments (maybe you’ve heard of them?). While I previously spent most of my time on campus, Apogee is my new home away from home. I’m still learning about this company, but as its newest addition, allow me to share a little about myself.

College was a good experience, but as any engineering student could tell you, it was no picnic. There were plenty of projects and homework assignments to fill my time, but all that work helped me to become more efficient and allowed me to expand my abilities. My last year in school was my favorite. Not only did I have rock climbing in my schedule, but I was also able to take the senior design class. I had always looked forward to that class; an opportunity to get hands-on experience in applying what I had learned. My team built a transformable wheelchair. I did all the modeling and supervised the building phase of the project, both of which were great experiences. I also created a poster for the chair, which summaries the project and explains why such a wheelchair is needed.

While my degree is in mechanical engineering, I don’t view myself as a typical engineer. I don’t particularly enjoy math, but I like solving problems. I took business classes to broaden my knowledge, and to open more doors. I like to work with others and I know the value of teamwork. My inquisitive nature and desire to create solutions led me into engineering, but it is also leading me to learn as much as I can from all areas of study.

Here are some more semi-applicable facts about me, in case you’re curious:

• I’ve been married for almost 3.5 years (feels like 2 max).
• I want to get an MBA. However, because of the high costs associated with attending, those plans have been put on hold.
• I’ve always wanted to own a business. It doesn’t matter if it turns into a big corporation, or if it’s just a small side project.
• A life goal of mine is to invent something. Something awesome.
• I’m published! I was able to write a guest article for SAE Momentum magazine about my thoughts during an internship experience. ("Outside the Classroom." SAE Momentum (2011): 2. Print.)
• I read a lot of tech news to stay up to date on the latest gadgets and inventions.
• My dad (David Lindsley) is an artist. You might even recognize some of his work.

I feel privileged to be able to work with such high caliber people as those here at Apogee. We make some amazing products and while I’ve only been here a short time, I have been able to see the drive and determination in everyone to provide the very best to our customers. I’m eager to learn all I can, and contribute everything I know to this company. Whether it’s modeling parts using Solidworks or crunching some numbers with Matlab, I’m excited to spend my time helping to research and create products that will enable our customers to ‘Make Better Measurements’ of the world around us.