Better Know a Distributor - Campbell Scientific

by Whitney Mortensen

The ‘Better Know a Distributor’ series highlights other companies that distribute and re-sell Apogee products.

Apogee Instruments and Campbell Scientific are more than just neighbors on the same street. Campbell Scientific has helped Apogee develop and grow in many ways. Campbell Scientific re-sells and supports most of our sensors in their weather stations. Having Apogee products included on Campbell Scientific’s price list is a testament to the quality of the products Apogee manufactures. For anyone who has wanted to know more about our great neighbor, Campbell Scientific, here is a brief history.

Campbell Scientific was organized in 1974 by Eric and Evan Campbell with initial capital from themselves, six brothers, and their father.

Eric had an interest in science at an early age. His high school science project (class of 1964) consisted of measuring the surface temperature of the moon by using an infrared sensor that he designed and built from scratch. He was introduced to making field measurements while working part time as a student at Utah State University. The research farm at the University provided an excellent environment for testing new ideas. Soon he had his own business, Logan Scientific Instruments, which produced soil psychrometers and the electronics to read them. He eventually sold his company, allowing him to finance his degree in physics with a minor in electrical engineering.

Evan became a strong asset during this time because of his interest and involvement in mechanical systems. He loved mechanical design and was pursuing a degree in manufacturing engineering.

The Campbell brothers combined their experience and education, focusing their efforts on establishing an emerging company, Campbell Scientific. Dr. Gaylon Campbell, the oldest brother and a professor at Washington State University, provided direction and help.

Campbell Scientific now employs over 200 people in their Logan offices. They sell product all over the world and have offices in Canada, France, Spain, Germany, Australia, Africa and Brazil.

Being neighbors and sister-companies with Campbell Scientific has allowed us to work together on various projects, from marketing to product development. Campbell Scientific has helped mentor Apogee through numerous growing pains and has provided valuable insight directly though formal representation on our Board of Directors as well as informally through such things as including us in their company-wide breakfasts. This way, the customers of both companies can benefit from our shared experience. Campbell Scientific is a great company to work with, and we are definitely glad that they are our neighbors.
