Apogee Instruments' Blog

Reference Pyranometer Traceability and Recalibration

Reference Pyranometer Traceability and Recalibration

by Jacob Bingham
For most applications, a pyranometer is only as good as its calibration. This makes the initial calibration process, and subsequent recalibrations, critical steps for accurate measurement of solar radiation. The accepted worldwide standard for glo…
Featured Projects - Solar 4R Schools

Featured Projects - Solar 4R Schools

by Whitney Mortensen
Our Featured Project series is a new blog series where we highlight what some of our customers are doing with our products. If you have a project you would like to have included please email us at admin@apogeeinstruments.com.  {Photo from…
Extreme Weather Conditions

Extreme Weather Conditions

by Seth Humphries
I thrive in harsh weather conditions, especially extreme cold. One year at the end of June, I did some work in Houston. It was 38 C (~100 F) and felt like 100 %RH outside but in the confined environment where I was working it was about 49 C (~120 F)…
Accelerated Aging

Accelerated Aging

by Seth Humphries
I work hard and take pride in doing good work: to always do my best. As I have come to be part of the Apogee family, I have noticed that my feelings of hard work and pride are commonly shared. I have seen others work on weekends, or late into the e…